放電 開閉保護 高電圧 |
合同研究会 |
〔委 員 長〕 | 匹田政幸(九州工業大学) | |
〔副委員長〕 | 中野俊樹(防衛大学校) | |
〔幹 事〕 | 栃久保文嘉(首都大学東京),熊田亜紀子(東京大学) | |
〔幹事補佐〕 | 山納 康(埼玉大学) | |
〔委 員 長〕 | 金子英治(琉球大学) | |
〔幹 事〕 | 森 正(東芝),浦井 一(日立製作所) | |
〔幹事補佐〕 | 楫野宏樹(三菱電機),恩地俊行(富士電機ホールディングス) | |
〔委 員 長〕 | 藤波秀雄(電力中央研究所) | |
〔幹 事〕 | 松本 聡(芝浦工業大学),保科好一(東芝) | |
〔幹事補佐〕 | 水谷嘉伸(電力中央研究所) | |
日 時 | 2010年11月12日(金) 10:00〜17:30 | |
2010年11月13日(土) 9:00〜16:00 | ||
場 所 | 北九州国際会議場(北九州国際会議場(〒802-0001 北九州市小倉北区浅野三丁目9番30号)JR小倉駅から徒歩5分。ご参照:http://www.convention-a.jp/kokusai/) | |
共 催 | 九州工業大学 | |
協 賛 | 電気学会 九州支部 Japan Chapter of the IEEE Society on Power Engineering Fukuoka Chapter of the IEEE Society on Dielectric and Electrical Insulation The Japanese National Committee of CIGRE | |
議 題 | テーマ「雷および高電圧技術,開閉保護技術,放電技術一般」 |
(国際会議場) 11月12日(金) 10:00〜12:00 テーマ「Circuit Breaker」 | |
ED-10-060 SP-10-027 HV-10-022 |
Measurements of Fudumental Data of Rotary Arc GCB Model |
○Mori Tadashi,Kawano Hiromichi,Takizawa Kamon(Toshiba Corporation) | |
ED-10-061 SP-10-028 HV-10-023 |
Evaluation of thermal interruption capability with reignition voltage and its application to experimental design in SF6 gas circuit breakers |
○Urai Hajime,Ooshita Yoichi,Koizumi Makoto(Hitachi, Ltd. Power Systems Company),Tsukushi Masanori(Japan AE Power Systems Corporation) | |
ED-10-062 SP-10-029 HV-10-024 |
Fundamental approach to application of power semiconductor device to low-voltage DC circuit breaker |
○Yokomizu Yasunobu,Matsumura Toshiro,Hayase Tetsuo(Nagoya University ) | |
ED-10-063 SP-10-030 HV-10-025 |
Research activities related to T&D equipment and systems |
(国際会議場) 11月12日(金) 13:30〜14:30 特別講演 | |
On-site PD Diagnostics, FRA and Moisture Measurement for Power Transformers | |
Prof. Stefan Tenbohlen (University of Stuttgart, Germany) | |
(国際会議場) 11月12日(金) 15:00〜17:30 テーマ「Electromagnetic Analysis」 | |
ED-10-064 SP-10-031 HV-10-026 |
Effect of an Insulator of a Covered onductor on the Wave Propagation Characteristic |
◎Matsui Shinsaku,Asha Shendge,Ametani Akihiro,Nagaoka Naoto,Baba Yoshihiro(Doshisha University) | |
ED-10-065 SP-10-032 HV-10-027 |
Numerical Analysis of Lightning Electromagnetic Pulse Using the Constrained Interpolation profile Method |
◎Miyagawa Kohta,Matsumoto Shinya,Baba Yoshihiro,Nagaoka Naoto,Ametani Akihiro(Doshisha University),Takami Jun,Okabe Shigemitsu(TEPCO) | |
ED-10-066 SP-10-033 HV-10-028 |
An EMTP Model of a Transmission Tower Struck by Lightning |
◎Hashimoto Soh,Baba Yoshihiro,Nagaoka Naoto,Ametani Akihiro(Doshisha University),Itamoto Naoki(Hokuriku Electric Power Company) | |
ED-10-067 SP-10-034 HV-10-029 |
Thermal analysis of electric wire under surge currents |
◎Manabe Ken,Keishi Tomohiro(Sumitomo Electric Industries) | |
ED-10-068 SP-10-035 HV-10-030 |
Surge Analysis of Thin Wire Structures Using the TLM method |
◎Yuda Shinsuke,Baba Yoshihiro,Nagaoka Naoto,Ametani Akihiro(Doshisha University) | |
(21会議室) 11月12日(金) 10:00〜12:00 テーマ「Electrical Discharge Phenomenon」 | |
ED-10-069 SP-10-036 HV-10-031 |
A study of Non Sustained Disruptive Discharges (NSDD) in vacuum interrupters |
Hisaya Saitou,Akihito Matsuura,◎Yuki Nakada(Chubu Electric Power Co.,Inc) | |
ED-10-070 SP-10-037 HV-10-032 |
Numerical Simulation of Positive Surface Streamer on Dielectric Barrier |
◎Daiki Tanaka,Akiko Kumada,Kunihiko Hidaka(The University of Tokyo) | |
ED-10-071 SP-10-038 HV-10-033 |
Electrical Discharge Phenomenon in Micro gap |
◎REZAEIFAR FATEMEH,Kumada Akiko,Hidaka Kunihiko(University of Tokyo) | |
ED-10-072 SP-10-039 HV-10-034 |
Development of electron beam sterilizer for food packaging container |
○Hikosaka Tomoyuki,Harada Nobuyasu,Hashimoto Isao,Gozaki Satoru,Suzuki Takayuki,Usui Noboru,Sato Shigekatsu,Eguchi Shiro(Japan AE Power Systems Corporation) | |
(21会議室) 11月12日(金) 15:00〜17:30 テーマ「Switchgear」 | |
ED-10-073 SP-10-040 HV-10-035 |
Surface Condition of Cu-Cr Contact After Current Interruption |
◎Sato Hiromasa,Matsui Yoshihiko,Noda Yasushi(Japan AE power Systems Corporation) | |
ED-10-074 SP-10-041 HV-10-036 |
〔Cancellation〕 |
ED-10-075 SP-10-042 HV-10-037 |
Frequency Dependent Transformer Model for TRV Calculation at the Transformer Limited Fault Condition by EMTP |
○Thein Myo Min,Toda Hiroaki,Hikita Masayuki(Kyushu Institute of Technology),Ikeda Hisatoshi(The University of Tokyo),Haginomori Eiichi (Chuo University),Koshiduka Tadashi (Toshiba Corporation) | |
ED-10-076 SP-10-043 HV-10-038 |
〔Cancellation〕 |
ED-10-077 SP-10-044 HV-10-039 |
Investigation on the Improvement of Current Interrupting Performance on Disconnecting Switch |
○Yuichiro Yamane(Japan AE Power Systems Corporation),Toshiaki Rokunohe,Tatsuro Kato(Hitachi Ltd.) | |
(国際会議場) 11月13日(土) 9:00〜12:00 テーマ「Surge Arrester, Insulator」 | |
ED-10-078 SP-10-045 HV-10-040 |
Transition and Submission of IEEE , ISH ,CIGRE Colloquium, IWHV and IEEJ Papers Regarding to High Voltage (AC and HVDC) Surge Arresters |
○Shirakawa Shingo(HITACHI/JAEPS/TUS) | |
ED-10-079 SP-10-046 HV-10-041 |
〔Cancellation〕 |
ED-10-080 SP-10-047 HV-10-042 |
Study on change in morphology of ZnO elements by a large impulse current |
◎Miyazaki Satoshi,Sakoda Tatsuya,Otsubo Masahisa,Miyake Takuma(University of Miyazaki),Nakata Hidehiro,Kinoshita Humihiro,Yamaguchi Hiroshi(Research Laboratory, Kyushu Electric Power Co., Inc.,) | |
ED-10-081 SP-10-048 HV-10-043 |
Contamination flashover characteristics of polymer insulator under various kinds of test conditions |
◎Motohiro Maeda,Kuniaki Kondo,Osamu Fujii,Susumu Ito,Yoshihiro Suziki(NGK Inslators, Ltd.) | |
ED-10-082 SP-10-049 HV-10-044 |
〔Cancellation〕 |
ED-10-083 SP-10-050 HV-10-045 |
Wavelet Analysis using odd functions for Partial Discharge Signals |
○Matsumoto Satoshi,Shibuya Yoshikazu,Nishimura Nobuaki,Ogura Ryuichi(Shibaura Institute of Technology),Umezu Kiyoshi(ECG KOKUSAI CO., LTD.) | |
(国際会議場) 11月13日(土) 13:00〜16:00 テーマ「Gaseous Dielectrics, Partial Discharge, Insulation Reliability」 | |
ED-10-084 SP-10-051 HV-10-046 |
Effect of Electrode Surface Roughness in High Pressure CO2 (~0.9MPa) under Quasi-Uniform Electric Field |
◎Yasuoka Takanori,Sato Masayuki,Hoshina Yoshikazu,Shimamura Akira(Toshiba) | |
ED-10-085 SP-10-052 HV-10-047 |
Basic insulation property in high pressured dry air |
Tadahiro Yoshida,◎Naoaki Inoue,Shinji Sato(Mitsubishi Electric Corporation),Yuki Oida,Akiko Kumada,Kunihiko Hidaka(The University of Tokyo) | |
ED-10-086 SP-10-053 HV-10-048 |
Transmittance Characteristic of Alkylbenzene on Terahertz Band |
◎Nishimura Nobuaki,Ogura Ryuichi,Matsumoto Satoshi(Shibaura Institute of Technology),Fukunaga Kaori,Mizuno Maya(National Institute of Information and Communications Technology),Otani Chiko(RIKEN) | |
ED-10-087 SP-10-054 HV-10-049 |
Effect of Epoxy Spacer on Transmission Rate of Electromagnetic Wave Propagating through T-Branch of GIS Model Tank |
◎Khayam Umar (Bandung Institute of Technology/ Kyushu Institute of Technology),Takada Hajime,Satoshi Yoshida(Kyushu Institute of Technology),Hoshino Toshihiro ,Sakakibara Takaaki ,Maruyama Shiro(Toshiba Coropration),Okabe Shigemitsu ,Wada Wada(Tokyo Electric Power Company),Hayashi Masayuki,Kozako Masahiro,Hikita Masayuki(Kyushu Institute of Technology) | |
ED-10-088 SP-10-055 HV-10-050 |
New Calibration Technique Regarding Partial Discharge in GIS Using Three-Dimensional Electromagnetic Analysis |
○Hoshino Toshihiro,Maruyama Shiro,Sakakibara Takaaki(Toshiba Corporation) | |
ED-10-089 SP-10-056 HV-10-051 |
Experiment on multiple voltage application for insulation reliability evaluation method with Weibull distribution |
○Tsuboi Toshihiro,Takami Jun,Okabe shigemitsu(Tokyo Electric Power Company),Aono Kazuaki,Inami Kiyoshi(Mitsubishi Electric Corporation) | |
(21会議室) 11月13日(土) 9:00〜12:00 テーマ「Lightning Discharge」 | |
ED-10-090 SP-10-057 HV-10-052 |
E-field waveform influenced by distance to return strokes |
◎Shibata Naoki,Michishita Koji(Shizuoka University),Hongo Yasuji(Tohoku Electric Power Co.,Inc) | |
ED-10-091 SP-10-058 HV-10-053 |
A Field Study of Lightning Surges Propagating through Low-voltage Electric Appliances |
◎Ishii Tsunayoshi,Oguchi Shuichi,Sakamoto Yoshiki,Okabe Shigemitsu(Tokyo Electric Power Company) | |
ED-10-092 SP-10-059 HV-10-054 |
Possible Causes of Lightning Outages occured in Wind Turbine Blades |
○Yokoyama Shigeru(Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry),Yoh Yasuda(Kansai University) | |
ED-10-093 SP-10-060 HV-10-055 |
〔Cancellation〕 |
ED-10-094 SP-10-061 HV-10-056 |
〔Cancellation〕 |
ED-10-095 SP-10-062 HV-10-057 |
Survey on fault due to lightning and countermeasures for overhead transmission lines |
◎Yoshida Toshitaka,Murata Hideki,Miyazaki Masakazu(Chubu Electric Power Co.,Inc.) | |
(21会議室) 11月13日(土) 13:00〜16:00 テーマ「Grounding System, Lightning Protection」 | |
ED-10-096 SP-10-063 HV-10-058 |
〔Cancellation〕 |
ED-10-097 SP-10-064 HV-10-059 |
◎Fujita Yuta,Ametani Akihiro(Doshisha University),Yamamoto kazuo(Kobe City College of Technology),Morii Hirosi(Kansai Electric Power Co.) | |
ED-10-098 SP-10-065 HV-10-060 |
〔Cancellation〕 |
ED-10-099 SP-10-066 HV-10-061 |
Observational study of the lightning protection effect with constructions of ground wire systems |
○Oguchi Shuichi,Ishii Tsunayoshi,Sakamoto Yoshiki,Okabe Shigemitsu(The Tokyo Electric Power Company) | |
ED-10-100 SP-10-067 HV-10-062 |
〔Cancellation〕 |
ED-10-101 SP-10-068 HV-10-063 |
A Study on Induced Surge Voltages on a Control Cable by a Lightning Current Flowing into a Grounding Grid |
◎Tatematsu Akiyoshi,Yamazaki Kenichi,Miyajima Kiyotomi,Motoyama Hideki(Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry) | |
※ | 1件当り25分(質疑応答5分を含む) |
※ | 懇親会会場:レストラン ラ・プラージュ(北九州国際会議場内)11月12日(金)17:45~会費(予定)は一般4,000円,学生2,000円 |